Empowering You with Essential Online Safety Knowledge.

The online environment is evolving rapidly with advancements in AI. Stay secure by following the latest trends and best practices.


95% of teens aged 13 to 17 report having or having access to a smartphone.

YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram remain the most widely used online platforms among U.S. teens in 2023. 9 out of 10 teens say they use YouTube

64% nearly
Adults face Online harassment
$10 billion est
Various types of fraud losses
6hours apx
Average Screen time aged 8-12

Exlore latest topics

Malwarebytes Browser Guard is a browser extension that enhances online security, browsing, and privacy by blocking various risks as you navigate the internet. It offers impressive features such as ad blocking, malware protection, and updated privacy settings. Click to read in detail.

Opera GX is a specified version of Opera Browser for gamers that offers enhanced gaming experiences. With its controlling features, it helps users to set limits on CPU, RAM and network bandwidth usage. Click to read in detail

Discord will have 196.2 million monthly active users in 2024 and is a full grown social network for chatting. A premium version of the platform is Discord Nitro, where users can personalize their profiles through subscriptions. Click to read in detail.

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